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Mark Holleman
8 sept 20224 Min. de lectura
Net payment terms are key for B2B -e-commerce. Here is how to get it right.
A critical part to get right when selling online are the net 15/30/60/90 day payment terms for business buyers. B2B is moving online at a...
Mark Holleman
8 sept 20222 Min. de lectura
B2B commerce is shifting online - why?
B2B purchasing is increasingly going online and the US International Trade Administration forecasts that B2B ecommerce in Europe alone...
Mark Holleman
8 sept 20223 Min. de lectura
My motivations for starting Sprinque, a B2B payments company
We recently celebrated the one year anniversary of Sprinque! Manoj, Juan and I met at Antler in Amsterdam in November 2020. After...
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